
its over.

i hated it, i tried not to, i did anyways.

and its over. the holidays. new years is usually a let down, but not horrible, so im looking forward to that part.

otherwise, moving on with an otherwise fab. vacation at home. spending time with the girls, getting things checked off my list and sleeping in like its my job. still havent done any work but really doutbful that i will. i might.
i cant decide.

anyways, i dont miss NYC. not even one bit. and i cant help counting down my days here and getting more and more sad instead of not thinking about it. hell, i still have 9.5 more days.

there has been one sad part of my trip. i do not wish to elaborate.

and even though i have EW to look forward to, i more nervous than excited.
even though i dont know why.

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