i start at entertainment weekly in january, my friends.
one of my ultimate dreams has come true and i guess i havent been talking about it a whole lot because it just seems like a dream like blur of reality. i was really happy when i told lauren and she like, freaked out, because honestly thats the reaction i needed. i told a handful of people that were all like, "oh. thats cool." and so i thought wow, either im crazy and this isnt as cool as i thought or they just dont know me well. of course, i dont need someone to verify my excitement- but it i guess i feel like i worked hard and a little excitement wouldnt kill ya, would it? haha.
after my 2nd interview, i walked by an office that read "owen gleiberman" next to the door and nearly had a heart attack.
im going to GA for two and a half weeks (dec. 19th- jan. 5th), kind of as a treat to myself. kick off the end of a CRAZY 2007 and enjoy my time before the new start. im so excited i could burst.
i just hope i wont have a problem getting up at like 730-8am M-F. omg, that sounds like HELL. haha. i havent had a normal schedule in awhile, folks. right now i average getting to sleep in like 3-4 days a week. haha.
and it looks like things are going to work out with urban, they are going to let me stay and work a little there too and i am really happy cause i thought they were gonna kick my ass for taking so much holiday time off and switching my availibility to almost nothing. i would really, really miss it in a lot of ways if i had to leave, so im glad that worked out. i guess part of me not saying much yet was waiting to see what was going to happen with that.
although, i loved my schedule this week and next week (starting tomorrow), i go back to closing which (obvi.) isn't my fave thing in the world. but i have a new "bestie" at work (look guys, ive learned a new word!) and im excited as always to have met someone that i think is really great and that i want to get to know.
now if only we could do something about this weather...but alas, the GA will be much warmer.
ahhh- i hope some more good films come out soon. we seem to be in a bit of a drought. but i am still writing a bunch for hollywoodtoday.net, so check that out. i am also about to start to do some stuff for kiwibox.com so hit that up too.
i'm out of DC, and you know what that means.
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