
bachelorette: meredith

still the girl i relate to the most picking the guy i drooled over the most...dug up review of finale in EW.com archive land.

the bachelorette finale with meredith & ian:

Finally, finally, finally, Matthew arrived in his limo first. And we all knew what that meant. Just in case we didn't, she brought out all the accolades: ''You are a wonderful man …'' blah, blah, blah. She cried, he got misty, he said nice things about wanting her to be happy.

The truly brilliant part, though, was that the suspense wasn't over. We still didn't know if Ian would give her that rock. He arrived still blathering about how he'd do it ''only if it felt right in the moment,'' etc. But when they saw each other, it was clear she'd made the right choice -- basically, they both turned into blithering, almost incoherent idiots, he hit his knee, joyful tears were shed. Granted, not the most effusive and/or eloquent proposal (''Will you...?''), but absolutely heartfelt.

And yes, even I indulged in a few tears of my own, even though I've loved Ian the whole time specifically because he was reasonable enough not to expect marriage from this whole thing. Essentially, I fell for him because he was so noncommittal, but in the end I couldn't wait to see him pop the question. Meredith did what most women secretly dream of: She took a chance on the passionate adventurer instead of the sure thing -- and her love tamed him into submission.

The stuff of fairy tales, folks. And some damned fine TV.

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