today was a good one, for sure.
i got plenty of sleep, but not too much. i then got ready, got some DD coffee and headed to times square with jones.
we listened to some of my new fave songs on the subway and then headed to the AMC theatre. we got our tix and headed into our movie marathon.
we saw "dan in real life," "lars and the real girl" and "martian child," with perfect timing in between each. most importantly, we paid $11 to see all three and i LOVED them all, which is sooooo rare for me. i left the theatre in complete bliss. movie bliss, my favorite kind (duh)!!
i then headed downtown a bit more to meet up with andi, a friend from high school, in her new NY flat. she just moved here after training for a new job in finance, and i couldnt be happier. i am literally on cloud 9 that she is here and we had a fantastic night. i think having here her is going to change my life a lot, but i dont want to get ahead of myself. mostly, im happy to report that even though its been years, weve grown to have even more in common. im so proud of her.
im now home, with a full belly of yummy diner food. im going to watch an episode of "felicity" with jones and then head to bed. ive gotta get up early for more work on the lynton flat (the place i am decorating.)
p.s.- be a good listener. dont judge other people. and be yourself. :)
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