leave it to me.
you complete me.

i'd love for someone to write me a love song. who wouldnt? i'd love more for someone to just tell me how they feel. letters are nice too.
EW, i miss you.
weekend without j.

she's out of town for the first time since i got here. i wonder how things will go down.....here's the early plan!
fri: work/take somewhere to the vet/debates (?)/wet bar with interns
sat: force c into watching good movies/relapse/cut copy show
sun: movie day /w matt(?)/rehearsals
that sounds charming. totally movie and music'ed out, just the way i like it.
funny funny.
bill, from my office, did this. i kind of cant believe it.
lying to yourself.

is pointless. i know this. im known for being esp good about being totally honest with myself and admitting everything i feel, despite the outcomes. that part is def out of the way. so when do i start admitting the rest? for the first time in...a long time? forever?...i have a secret. and that is so, so weird.
OK, its not totally a secret because, like, 2 people know about it. but not anyone that really "matters." yeah, not going to explain that. anyways. the question is, if i know i cant control my own emotions, why am i trying? i usually let myself get hurt fast to get it out of the way. the situation is different. and so, totally hopeless. i think. i change my mind about that daily so stay tuned.
since when did i even start believing this was possible!? ugh, fuck you. and fuck you to every person i've ever liked that didnt like me back (uh, thats all of you). if there's anything i know for sure, its that any of you would have been lucky to have me. at least i dont have a complex.
yeah, take that at its word friends. sorry for the vagueness, still sorting this one out.

is coming to the fox in atlanta. i admit its a little silly to want to go see a play i've seen on broadway 3-4 times already. in atlanta, no less. (ps- i love how people here think its the "real" wicked...dont they know they cant just shut down the NY production while the cast tours? its a totally different group, people!) anyways. i want to drag some friends to see it. it really is my fave.
meanwhile, am avoiding planning my birthday like the plague.
lauren emails.
Best episode recap I've ever read:
i trust her.
i trust her.
fuck tuesday.
it only tuesday!?
WASHINGTON, DC—After running a thousand errands, working hours of overtime, and being stuck in seemingly endless gridlock traffic commuting to and from their jobs, millions of Americans were disheartened to learn that it was, in fact, only Tuesday.
"Tuesday?" San Diego resident Doris Wagner said. "How in the hell is it still Tuesday?"
Already the week is unbearable for these New Yorkers awaiting a subway train, and it's only fucking Tuesday.
Tuesday's arrival stunned a nation still recovering from the nightmarish slog that was Monday, leaving some to wonder if the week was ever going to end, and others to ask what was taking Saturday so goddamn long.
"Ugh," said Wagner, echoing a national sense of frustration over it not even being Wednesday at the very least.
According to suddenly depressed sources, the feeling that this week may in fact last forever was further compounded by the thought of all the work left to be done tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and, if Americans make it that far, possibly even Friday, for Christ's sake.
Fears that the week could actually be going backwards were also expressed.
"Not only do Americans have most of Tuesday morning to contend with, but all of Tuesday afternoon and then Tuesday night," National Labor Relations Board spokesman David Prynn said. "If our calculations are correct, there is a chance we are in effect closer to last weekend than the one coming up."
Added Prynn: "Fuck."
Believe it or not, it's not even goddamn lunchtime yet for these commuters in Southern California.
Reports that this all has to be some kind of sick joke could not be confirmed as of press time.
Isolated attempts to make the day go faster, such as glancing at watches or clocks every other minute, compulsively checking e-mail, hiding in the office bathroom, fidgeting, or reading a boring magazine while sitting in the waiting room, have also proven unsuccessful, sources report.
The National Institutes of Standards and Technology, which oversees the official time of the United States, is flatly denying that it has slowed or otherwise tampered with Tuesday's progression.
"The current Tuesday is keeping apace with past Tuesdays with no more than one ten-thousandth of a second's variation at the most," NIST spokeswoman Dr. Geraldine Schach said. "However, I sympathize with the common consensus that this week has already been a colossal pain in the neck."
Labor Secretary Elaine Chao released a statement addressing widespread speculation that it might as well be Monday for all anyone cares.
"We understand this day has been tough on many of you, what with meetings mercilessly dragging on and an entire stack of files still left to organize," Chao's statement read in part. "Yet we urge Americans to show patience. The midweek hump is just around the corner, and we have strong reason to believe that Saturday will be here before you know it."
"Go about your lives as best you can," the statement continued. "Do not, we repeat, do not take a sick day, as it'll make the rest of the week that much harder to endure."
In the meantime, citizens are doing their best to cope with the interminable week, though Tuesday is still hours away from ending.
"The more I try to speed it along, the longer it almost seems to take," said Dale Bouchard, a Chicago-based broker who has been waiting for today to be over since it first began earlier this morning. "Honestly, today could not have come at a worse time this week."
In the meantime, the latest wristwatch consultations indicate that it is somehow still Tuesday, if that makes any sense at all.
WASHINGTON, DC—After running a thousand errands, working hours of overtime, and being stuck in seemingly endless gridlock traffic commuting to and from their jobs, millions of Americans were disheartened to learn that it was, in fact, only Tuesday.
"Tuesday?" San Diego resident Doris Wagner said. "How in the hell is it still Tuesday?"
Already the week is unbearable for these New Yorkers awaiting a subway train, and it's only fucking Tuesday.
Tuesday's arrival stunned a nation still recovering from the nightmarish slog that was Monday, leaving some to wonder if the week was ever going to end, and others to ask what was taking Saturday so goddamn long.
"Ugh," said Wagner, echoing a national sense of frustration over it not even being Wednesday at the very least.
According to suddenly depressed sources, the feeling that this week may in fact last forever was further compounded by the thought of all the work left to be done tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and, if Americans make it that far, possibly even Friday, for Christ's sake.
Fears that the week could actually be going backwards were also expressed.
"Not only do Americans have most of Tuesday morning to contend with, but all of Tuesday afternoon and then Tuesday night," National Labor Relations Board spokesman David Prynn said. "If our calculations are correct, there is a chance we are in effect closer to last weekend than the one coming up."
Added Prynn: "Fuck."
Believe it or not, it's not even goddamn lunchtime yet for these commuters in Southern California.
Reports that this all has to be some kind of sick joke could not be confirmed as of press time.
Isolated attempts to make the day go faster, such as glancing at watches or clocks every other minute, compulsively checking e-mail, hiding in the office bathroom, fidgeting, or reading a boring magazine while sitting in the waiting room, have also proven unsuccessful, sources report.
The National Institutes of Standards and Technology, which oversees the official time of the United States, is flatly denying that it has slowed or otherwise tampered with Tuesday's progression.
"The current Tuesday is keeping apace with past Tuesdays with no more than one ten-thousandth of a second's variation at the most," NIST spokeswoman Dr. Geraldine Schach said. "However, I sympathize with the common consensus that this week has already been a colossal pain in the neck."
Labor Secretary Elaine Chao released a statement addressing widespread speculation that it might as well be Monday for all anyone cares.
"We understand this day has been tough on many of you, what with meetings mercilessly dragging on and an entire stack of files still left to organize," Chao's statement read in part. "Yet we urge Americans to show patience. The midweek hump is just around the corner, and we have strong reason to believe that Saturday will be here before you know it."
"Go about your lives as best you can," the statement continued. "Do not, we repeat, do not take a sick day, as it'll make the rest of the week that much harder to endure."
In the meantime, citizens are doing their best to cope with the interminable week, though Tuesday is still hours away from ending.
"The more I try to speed it along, the longer it almost seems to take," said Dale Bouchard, a Chicago-based broker who has been waiting for today to be over since it first began earlier this morning. "Honestly, today could not have come at a worse time this week."
In the meantime, the latest wristwatch consultations indicate that it is somehow still Tuesday, if that makes any sense at all.
funny story.

this girl at work told me that her ex-boyfriend was so good in bed that half the time, her whole body would spasm just by him walking into the room. pretty sure thats never happened to me in real life, but it has happened whilst looking at beautifully crafted photos of hot celebs.
this one made me shudder for at least 2 mins. enjoy.

in another life, i would have designed indie music posters for a living. i'm not in that life, which makes looking at these bittersweet, a little heartbreaking but mostly magical as hell (can you see i'm in my romantic mood today?)
check out the full beauty.
most likely news of the day.

well, duh.
if megan fox didnt come out as bi at some point, i would have been utterly shocked. and um, who WOULDNT hit that!?

the other day, my friend connor asked me if i like anyone right now.
sadened to admit that this is the one and only question i cannot answer truthfully. and not necessarily because i dont want to (what i told him) but also because, if i wont admit it to myself....why would i admit it to others?
my crushes fall in 3 distinct categories:
*a silly/could never happen/i dont honestly care crush that i talk freely about to anyone that will listen (most of them)
*long term "the one that got away" crushes that are here to stay, but never going to happen either (these arent newly made, just a few from my younger years)
*people im mad crushin' on that could actually happen, if i allowed myself to really believe that (these are very, very rare)
i say this not to sound woe-as-me. but after 24 yrs of crushes (and, oh honey, when you've been alone as much and as long as i, you crush much!) its very hard to think honestly about anything happening. i crush hard, because ive got nothing to loose.
now go listen to another 'paper planes' remix to cheer yourself up.

i finally put my signature necklace to rest after breaking it about 4 times. even thought no one ever knew what you were (and bugged me about it constantly)....you were a good friend, MR. FAWN (got it, people!?) ... you saw me through some good times that no one else was around for. i'm sorry i lost your very expensive chanel buddy. more sorry for myself though on that one though.
live well in necklace heaven!
make lemonade.
...is live! the site ive been working on is totally rad and totally surfable as of this very moment. its purty, if i do say so myself.
AND: one of my galleries is on the aol.com homepage. SWEET. i used to look at that everyday. life is super funny like that, yall.
...is live! the site ive been working on is totally rad and totally surfable as of this very moment. its purty, if i do say so myself.
AND: one of my galleries is on the aol.com homepage. SWEET. i used to look at that everyday. life is super funny like that, yall.

i have an addiction. an addiction to threadless. just spent over $100 there. but oh, oh so happy in return. also possibly because they sent us home from work today at 12pm. n-i-c-e. and, it just started raining. and (in case you dont know me. ya creep)...i really love rain. esp on days when im just at home hanging out and catching up on all the TV that i forgot was premiering in the last few weeks. (bones, not so great....gossip girl, as embarassingly addictive as ever).
things i miss about new york: being able to just open the door to let somewhere out.
having my own tv/dvr.
having my own bed.
wine on sundays.
whatever food i want whenever i want it (awh, max brenner. how i miss thee).
lauren making sure im not the most saracastic, bitchy ass in the room. ;)
EW (the thing i miss the most, duh).
tv marathons with jones.
fast/easy/reliable public transportation.
what i dont miss: everything else.
“Am I gay?...If you want to know the truth, ask the people who go to bed with me.”
Dusty Springfield
Dusty Springfield
tv (revised).
8: Gossip Girl
8: Big Bang Theory —9/22
8: Dollhouse —2009
830: How I Met Your Mother —9/22
9: One Tree Hill
9: Two & a Half Men —9/22
9: Prison Break
930: Samantha Who? —10/6
8: 90210
8: House —9/16
9: Privleged
9: Greek
8: Pushing Daises —10/1
8: Top Model
8: Bones
9: Private Practice —10/1
10: Dirty Sexy Money —10/1
10: Project Runway
10: Lipstick Jungle —9/24
8: Ugly Betty —9/25
8:30: Kath & Kim —10/9
9: Supernatural —9/18
9: Greys Anatomy —9/25
930: 30 Rock —10/30
10: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia —9/18
11: The Cho Show
8: Ghost Whisperer —10/3
9: The Ex-List —10/3
10: The Starter Wife —10/10
10: Brothers and Sisters —9/28
8: Gossip Girl
8: Big Bang Theory —9/22
8: Dollhouse —2009
830: How I Met Your Mother —9/22
9: One Tree Hill
9: Two & a Half Men —9/22
9: Prison Break
930: Samantha Who? —10/6
8: 90210
8: House —9/16
9: Privleged
9: Greek
8: Pushing Daises —10/1
8: Top Model
8: Bones
9: Private Practice —10/1
10: Dirty Sexy Money —10/1
10: Project Runway
10: Lipstick Jungle —9/24
8: Ugly Betty —9/25
8:30: Kath & Kim —10/9
9: Supernatural —9/18
9: Greys Anatomy —9/25
930: 30 Rock —10/30
10: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia —9/18
11: The Cho Show
8: Ghost Whisperer —10/3
9: The Ex-List —10/3
10: The Starter Wife —10/10
10: Brothers and Sisters —9/28
i saw three movies monday.
gonna be hot.
Pedro Almodovar has wooed Sony Pictures Classics to "Broken Embraces," the helmer’s latest collaboration with "Volver" thesp Penelope Cruz. Almodovar scripted. SPC has taken North American rights. Pic, which also stars Almodovar vets Lluis Homar and Blanca Portillo, is being shot in the style of 1950s American film noir. Almodovar is lensing on location in Madrid and the Canary Islands. The plot involves a four-person love story and "touches on many genres," including thriller, according to the director. Pic will be the 10th Almodovar film from Sony’s specialty arm.
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